Prophecies of Messiah in the Tanakh
There is more than 300 prophecies in the Tanakh (Old Testament) about the future Messiah that was fulfilled by Yeshua.
Messiah is to be a Prophet like Moses ~ Deut. 18:15-22
-- Both are born in a time of national bondage (Ex. 1:8-10; Luke 2:1-3)
-- Both were redeemers of Israel (Ex. 3:7-10; Acts 7:25; John 3:16; Rom 6:15-23)
-- Both were saved from a death decree placed on Hebrew boys Ex. 1:22;2:1-3; Matt 2:13,16)
-- Both of them fasted for forty days (Ex. 34:28; Matt 4:2)
-- Both perform unparalleled signs & wonders to validate their ministry (Ex.16:14-17; Mt.14:19-21)
-- Both act in the role of Law-giver and singular authority of Torah (Ex. 24:7-8; Matt. 5:17-19)
-- Both fill the role of intercessor between G-d and the nation (Ex. 32:31-32; Dt. 9:13-20; Jhn. 17:9; Lk. 23:33-34)
-- Both are born in a time of national bondage (Ex. 1:8-10; Luke 2:1-3)
-- Both were redeemers of Israel (Ex. 3:7-10; Acts 7:25; John 3:16; Rom 6:15-23)
-- Both were saved from a death decree placed on Hebrew boys Ex. 1:22;2:1-3; Matt 2:13,16)
-- Both of them fasted for forty days (Ex. 34:28; Matt 4:2)
-- Both perform unparalleled signs & wonders to validate their ministry (Ex.16:14-17; Mt.14:19-21)
-- Both act in the role of Law-giver and singular authority of Torah (Ex. 24:7-8; Matt. 5:17-19)
-- Both fill the role of intercessor between G-d and the nation (Ex. 32:31-32; Dt. 9:13-20; Jhn. 17:9; Lk. 23:33-34)
Messiah is to be born in Bethlehem ~ Micah 5:2; fulfilled in Matt. 2:1-7; John 7:42; Luke 2:4-7
Messiah is to be preceded by a Messenger ~ Isa. 40:3; Malachi 3:1; fulfilled in Matthew 3:1-3; 11:10
Messiah is to enter Jerusalem on a donkey ~ Zechariah 9:9; fulfilled in Luke 19:30-40; Matthew 21:6-11
Messiah is to be betrayed by a friend ~ Psalms 41:9; 55:12-14; fulfilled in Matthew 10:4; 26:49-50; John 13:21
Messiah is to be sold for 30 pieces of silver ~ Zechariah 11:12; fulfilled in Matthew 26:15; 27:3
Messiah is to be born of a virgin ~ Isaiah 7:14; fulfilled in Matthew 1:18-2:1; Luke 1:26-35
Messiah is to be hated without cause ~ Isaiah 49:7; Psalm 69:4; fulfilled in John 15:24-25
Messiah is to be silent before His accusers ~ Isaiah 53:7; fulfilled in Matthew 27:12
Messiah is to have His hands and feet pierced ~ Psalm 22:16; fulfilled in Luke 24:39-40
Messiah is to be given vinegar to quench His thirst ~ Psalm 69:21; fulfilled in Matthew 27:34; John 19:28-30
Messiah is to be executed without having a bone broken ~ Exodus 12:46; Psalm 34:20; fulfilled in John 19:33-36
Messiah is to be buried with the rich when dead ~ Isaiah 53:9; fulfilled in Matthew 27:57-60
Messiah is to be raised from the dead ~ Isaiah 53:9-10; Psalm 16:10; fulfilled in Matthew 28:1-20
Messiah is to be preceded by a Messenger ~ Isa. 40:3; Malachi 3:1; fulfilled in Matthew 3:1-3; 11:10
Messiah is to enter Jerusalem on a donkey ~ Zechariah 9:9; fulfilled in Luke 19:30-40; Matthew 21:6-11
Messiah is to be betrayed by a friend ~ Psalms 41:9; 55:12-14; fulfilled in Matthew 10:4; 26:49-50; John 13:21
Messiah is to be sold for 30 pieces of silver ~ Zechariah 11:12; fulfilled in Matthew 26:15; 27:3
Messiah is to be born of a virgin ~ Isaiah 7:14; fulfilled in Matthew 1:18-2:1; Luke 1:26-35
Messiah is to be hated without cause ~ Isaiah 49:7; Psalm 69:4; fulfilled in John 15:24-25
Messiah is to be silent before His accusers ~ Isaiah 53:7; fulfilled in Matthew 27:12
Messiah is to have His hands and feet pierced ~ Psalm 22:16; fulfilled in Luke 24:39-40
Messiah is to be given vinegar to quench His thirst ~ Psalm 69:21; fulfilled in Matthew 27:34; John 19:28-30
Messiah is to be executed without having a bone broken ~ Exodus 12:46; Psalm 34:20; fulfilled in John 19:33-36
Messiah is to be buried with the rich when dead ~ Isaiah 53:9; fulfilled in Matthew 27:57-60
Messiah is to be raised from the dead ~ Isaiah 53:9-10; Psalm 16:10; fulfilled in Matthew 28:1-20